Obsidian 宣布更換 Logo 官方文件翻譯

Fred Lai
3 min readJun 5, 2023


翻譯 Obsidian 官方網站的內容至中文

Since we started three years ago, we’ve built Obsidian on [core principles](https://obsidian.md/about) that continue to motivate everything we do.
自三年前開始以來,我們一直以核心原則為基礎構建 Obsidian,這些原則繼續激勵著我們所做的一切。

We’ve been encouraged to see that these principles are resonating. Obsidian is rounding the corner on 1,000 community plugins, 100,000 Discord members, and 1 million downloads on our latest release!
看到這些原則引起共鳴,我們深受鼓舞。 Obsidian 即將迎來 1,000 個社區插件、100,000 個 Discord 成員以及我們最新版本的 100 萬次下載!

As we celebrate this milestone, we’re thrilled to introduce a new logo and app icon that reflects [Obsidian’s values](https://obsidian.md/about), and can continue to inspire the community going forward.
在我們慶祝這一里程碑之際,我們很高興推出反映 Obsidian 價值觀的新徽標和應用程序圖標,並繼續激勵社區前進。

Say hello to the new Obsidian app icon:


To make something that lasts, look to the past

The new Obsidian icon is inspired by its namesake, the volcanic rock which has been used since the dawn of humanity to make arrowheads, scrapers, knives, and other tools.

We want to make it possible for your digital notes to be preserved for generations to come. While we can’t predict how computers and digital information will evolve in the future, the new icon is a reminder that we can look to the past for inspiration.

Obsidian notes are stored in simple, plain text files, which have been in use since the dawn of _computing_. If you want your writing to still be readable on a computer from the 2060s or 2160s, we think it’s important that your Obsidian notes can be read on a computer from the 1960s.
黑曜石筆記存儲在簡單的純文本文件中,這些文件自計算機誕生以來就一直在使用。如果您希望您的作品在 2060 年代或 2160 年代的計算機上仍然可讀,我們認為您的黑曜石筆記可以在 20 世紀 60 年代的計算機上閱讀是很重要的。

The new logo is designed to remain legible when reduced to single color applications — because it too should have looked groovy in the 60s.
新標誌的設計是為了在簡化為單色應用時保持清晰可辨 — — 因為它在 60 年代也應該看起來很時髦。

Sharpen your thinking 銳化你的思維

Extending the metaphor of obsidian tools, our ambition is for Obsidian to be the tool that helps you think more clearly. As a material, obsidian is shaped using a technique called [knapping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapping), chipping off flakes of rock to create sharp edges.

Obsidian aims to help you hone your thoughts and refine your ideas with precision. The new icon represents a practical, user-friendly tool that helps you cut through the clutter and carve out clear ideas.

You shape your tools, and they shape you

We believe that Obsidian should adapt to your way of thinking, not the other way around. That’s why we focus on making Obsidian highly customizable and extensible, so you can shape it to your unique needs.
我們認為 Obsidian 應該適應您的思維方式,而不是相反。這就是為什麼我們專注於使 Obsidian 具有高度可定制性和可擴展性,因此您可以根據自己的獨特需求來塑造它。

Like the app itself, the new Obsidian icon is malleable. It can be personalized to reflect your favorite color scheme. With our [customizable vector files](https://obsidian.md/brand), you can tailor the Obsidian icon to your liking. Give it a try!

Our new icon and branding was created internally. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback along the way!

You will see the new icon by [downloading](https://obsidian.md/download) the latest version of Obsidian. We’ve also polished the website, and added two new sections, the [Blog](https://obsidian.md/blog) and [Changelog](https://obsidian.md/changelog).
下載最新版本的 Obsidian,您將看到新圖標。我們還完善了網站,並添加了兩個新部分,即博客和更新日誌。


  1. 當知道其實 OB 原本的 LOGO 有參考到這張圖案的時候,就知道為什麼他們會需要更換 LOGO 了。Crystal Shard Icon | Role Playing Iconpack | Chanut is Industries (iconarchive.com)(from a Creative Commons library.)
  2. 其實換了,就設計的角度,我覺得更有未來感,而且在裂縫上,可以有更多可能性的變化,越看越喜歡了



Fred Lai
Fred Lai

Written by Fred Lai

Love is the ultimate answer.

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